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Business Travel Daily Dose – 11.13.06

311I have to object to the new “3-1-1” on behalf of the band “3-11” that I really loved in high school. [Here’s 411 on the 3-1-1: Don’t fly home without it]

When reading this, you have to imagine Ben Stein’s voice as the narrator. [A Maximum Traveler (and His Maxims)]

Another way to say business travel isn’t on the decline because of teleconferencing. [We’re e-ddicted to yacking]

AmEx is making shopping more bearable for some. I’ll still avoid the mall and get all of my presents from Overstock. [AmEx Takes Personal Service to the Next Level]

No DFW on the worst list? Maybe they didn’t go there. [Fodor’s Best and Worst Airports]

This has nothing to do with business or travel, but it’s AWESOME!! [T-Shirt Turns Air Guitar Riffs Into Actual Sounds: The World Weeps]