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Expedia Corporate Travel’s 75 by 75 Guarantee

Expedia Corporate Travel is offering customers the new 75 by 75 Guarantee. What’s that mean? The 75 by 75 Guarantee is a new program guaranteeing new customers will achieve 75% online adoption within 75 days of implementing the online booking tool or Expedia Corporate Travel will provide a full refund on all online and agent-assisted transaction fees.

Expedia Corporate Travel’s booking and travel management tool seamlessly integrates both the on and offline experience to provide customers with comprehensive travel solutions. Expedia Corporate Travel’s online capabilities allow customers to leverage the benefits of offline support to fully manage and control all of their travel transactions. The intuitive technology recalls travelers’ personal preferences while its exclusive search technology returns more tailored travel options with unique combinations of carriers and flights that only Expedia Corporate Travel can provide.

That’s quite an offer, travel managers….