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Home Entertainment Flight Tracker Frequent Flyer Programs Hotel Rewards Information Expert Flyer Shop for Travel at the Office, the discount vacation website, has introduced a GREAT new feature on their site. Lets be honest, if you’re reading my website, you’re probably at work. That’s cool because it’s business related. But if you’re shopping for a weekend getaway for you and your significant other, the boss may start to question your productivity.

So Lastminute has integrated a new feature on their site. In the upper right hand corner, there is a link for The Boss is Watching – Look Busy. This link brings up a Mission Critical Market Analysis spreadsheet to pull the wool over the managements eyes. What a cool idea.

Although, I’ve got to tell you – when you suddenly click on something EVERY SINGLE TIME your boss approaches your desk, they know you’re up to something. I don’t know that this would be any more effective than doing CTRL + TAB back to your original Excel sheet, but it’s certainly another option.

Via TravelPost Insider.