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Mad Maps Offers Interstate Alternatives and Scenic Day Trips

Mad MapsMad Maps offers travelers an alternative to the normal 70 mph on the interstate just to get from point A to point B travel with its new series of maps of scenic day trips outside of several US cities. We sometimes find ourselves in cities with an afternoon to spare. That being the case, why don’t you take your rental car for a spin on the back roads to see some of the country you may otherwise never have a chance to visit. Mad Maps offers “day trips” outside of several U.S. cities. With the longer summer days ahead, you’re sure to have some extra time to explore.

The Get Outta Town Series offers scenic day trips from the following:

Atlanta, GA
Austin, TX
Baltimore, MD
Boston, MA
Chicago, IL
Dallas, TX
Denver, CO
Houston, TX
Las Vegas, NV
Los Angeles, CA
New York, NY
Phoenix, AZ
Portland, OR
San Antonio, TX
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Jose, CA
Seattle, WA
Washington, DC
or the Texas Hold ‘Em Tour Pack

They’re only $5.95 a pop, so you won’t be out for much cash if you only get a half day trip. Get them at