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PublicRoutes in Atlanta

HotlantaPublicRoutes, the site that provides public transportation directions, has expanded service to include Hotlanta. That’s Atlanta for those of you who aren’t down. PublicRoutes offers “turn-by-turn”ish directions, similar to those provided by MapQuest. The difference being that MapQuest provides you with driving directions, while PublicRoutes gives you directions on public transportation on rail, bus and shuttle.

I absolutely LOVE the idea of public routes, but I had a little trouble when I tried to use the service to get directions from my apartment to Coney Island. But if you aren’t crossing state lines, you shouldn’t have any trouble.

Now you can get to the Underground or Turner Field or wherever else you may want to go in Atlanta metro area, including the following counties: Dekalb, Fulton, Clayton, Cobb and Gwinett. I can’t imagine NOT having a car in Atlanta – it just isn’t very public-transportation friendly – but if you want to give it a shot, this is the source.