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ReDirect Guide Visa (with Carbon Offset Program)

Save the EnvironmentThere is a new credit card on the loose called the ReDirect Guide Visa, which is proud to be the planet’s first credit card that “helps fight climate change with every purchase and offers customers discounts from green businesses is now available.” A percentage of every purchase made on the Visa goes to carbon offset programs to “help fund renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable development programs around the world through leading US-based nonprofit, Sustainable Travel International (STI).” Great, more carbon offset propaganda.

Now, I do find the ReDirect Guides interesting. The ReDirect Guides are comprehensive regional green business directories and resource guides that inform consumers of choices for more healthy and sustainable living. They are currently available online and in print versions in three regions: the Portland and Vancouver metro area of Oregon and Washington, the Greater Salt Lake City and Park City region of Utah, and the Northern Front Range region of Colorado including Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins, and the surrounding communities. So, places that are pretty green anyway.

If you need a credit card and you’d rather earn carbon points than hotel points, you may want to look in to ReDirect.