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Steape Mobile Phone Language Translators

Steape has launched their new talking language translators for mobile phones in the UK and the USA. At the push of a button, travelers can communicate in a foreign language using an application on their mobile phone.
The translators are available in 17 languages and 272 language combinations, including English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Mandarin, Russian, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Polish, Czech and Japanese. Wow, that’s handy. The
phrases come with both text and sound, meaning that travelers don’t have to pronounce the words themselves. The voices are recorded by native speakers and are played back via the phone’s speaker. So, a phone with a speaker capability seems to be key.

Three products are available: Mini-Speaking Dictionary, Steape Travel and Steape Knowledge. The Mini-Speaking Dictionary contains 500 travel related words. Steape Travel contains has 100 phrases covering travel-related topics, including: Chat basics; Travel & Go; Small Talk; Overnight Accommodation; Money; Shopping; Flirting & Dating; Going Out & Sightseeing; Eating & Drinking; Help & Health and Service & Communication. Steape Knowledge is composed of useful basic vocabulary, such as numbers, days of the week etc., and is FREE when another product is purchased. The translators currently work on 138 mobile phones and the company intends to support others.

I think these products are a STEAL at $5.00 each. I might get one for each country for myself.